Sun Island Park Pictures
The second weekend we took a trip to Sun Island Park. That's the one with all the artificial nature and great music. Here's the photo record....

Ah Ren Feng, the hat looks so good on you. If he weren't so Chinese, I'd probably think Indiana Jones took a vacation to China. The hat belongs to one of the American students and it's become his icon because he wears it on all occasions and has a spare...just in case.
The hill might have been artificial but the view wasn't bad. That's the Harbin skyline behind Bai Lin and myself. I keep bad mouthing the park because it's all fake, but as you can see it actually it looks really nice. Inside the city there's not so much greenery, so this was definitely a good change.
The delicious food if your neighbor does really speak for itself. Sounds like classes are intense! How's the vow of no spoken English going so far?
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